Mob Mentality

I don’t feel it. I’m not part of a collective. I don’t feel the euphoria associated with being part of a mob. I don’t surrender unwillingly to its wills. I cannot get lost in the throws of jubilation. This I think is why I am not a man of God, because God is really just the feeling that a group of people give when they stand together united by a set of values and principles. God is the chemical reaction to the stimulus of group think. My inability to feel this particular emotion is why I don’t care about national pride, or the Lord’s Prayer, or the national anthem. I intellectually understand that I exist in a web of interdependence with my fellow man, but I don’t truly understand it. I don’t comprehend it on an emotional level.

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Spiel des Paria
Die letzten Tage meines Lebens verbringe ich sitzend....
Adesignforlife - 5. Apr, 21:24
Es ist so still geworden..
.., seitdem der heilige Vater sein “aufrichtiges Bedauern“...
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In einer Küche, zwei Personen. Die Dame, sie ist...
Adesignforlife - 5. Apr, 20:02
Mob Mentality
I don’t feel it. I’m not part of a collective. I don’t...
Adesignforlife - 5. Apr, 19:57





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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 5. Apr, 21:24


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